Sunday, 13 August 2017

Robbie Gray: The Quarterback!

The fantastic game we know as AFL could soon be changed forever. We seem to be reaching a tipping point when it comes to the rules of our game.
Players can no longer tackle effectively for fear of MRP scrutiny.
Players can only sledge within the realms of what executives deem "appropriate".
To top it all off, it appears that players are now being allowed to actively throw the ball to them selves long as it looks good.

I refer to a passage of play during the clash between Collingwood and Port Adelaide.
It was a hard fought, passionate match all in all and a pleasure to watch for the most part.
During the 3rd Quarter, Collingwood had some some amazing plays which allowed them back into contention for the game. It was a close match and the umpires had to be hot on the whistle.

If we flash forward to the 4th quarter we can see the event I refer to.
Have a look for yourself:

This act is absolutely absurd for a multitude of reasons but the key one being; a player cannot take possession of the ball, throw the ball and then reclaim possession.
Even the PAFC have titled the video, "Gray's juggling act".

So did we hear a whistle for incorrect disposal? No. We didn't. Port Adelaide went on to score a goal as a result of this and, in doing so, cause a massive rift in Collingwood's comeback.
A decision like this from an umpire to allow play to resume can impact the entire game and in this case, it did!

For any delusional fanatics out there who thought this was a fair play, i will simply refer you to the breakdown below:

1. Gray takes possession of the ball with his right hand. He does not slap, punch or tickle the ball, he grasps it with his palm and fingers.

2. Gray swings the ball from his left hand to his right whilst on the run. At this point nothing is wrong. It was a fair handball and fair grab.

3. As Gray twists his body he loses grip on the ball and fumbles it out of his left hand. Technically this can be viewed as losing possession, but we'll let it slide because it's very minor in respect to what other players get away with these days.
4. At this point you would expect to have the umpires attention. Gray has thrown the ball around his back with his right hand, failed to pass it to his right and it is now in mid air.
5. If anyone wants to claim that he had "possession the entire time", I'm not sure what drugs you are on but they must be good if they allow you to bridge gaps in physical space! The ball is clearly floating in mid air and Robbie Gray has 100% lost possession.
6. the icing on the cake. Gray grabs the ball, re-gains possession and sprints off with it.
No whistle. No penalty. No idea!

Our once great game is turning into something unrecognizable. The MRP are suspending players for fair tackles. Dangerfield has lost a Brownlow medal for simply playing his role in the correct manner

...and now we are allowed to throw the ball.

This is football. Not Handball.

Do you think Gray should have been pinged?
Let me know.

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